Your community’s potential to motivate 401(k) contributions
We’ve all heard idioms like: “Teamwork makes the dream work.” “Strength in numbers.” “The more, the merrier.” Although these wise sayings become cliché, their underpinnings ring true. Group efforts, from businesses to clubs, can yield impressive results—and can even change the world.
Are my investments doing OK? Here’s how to find out
You’re probably familiar with the classic phrase: “Comparing apples and oranges.” It means you’re comparing two drastically different things—which makes the comparison pointless. Because the best apple compared to the best orange doesn’t mean much. How would you know which one wins the contest? How would you measure them, when they’re such different fruit?
Is time on your side—even when mutual funds go down?
Does your retirement account seem to shrink each time you look? Does it weigh on your mind, making you wonder whether to sell off your assets? You’re not alone. Plenty of investors feel the stress, fear, and worry that a smaller balance produces. These strong emotions—as well as biased opinions from financial gurus—confuse investors, causing them to feel uncertain, sell off their assets, or stop contributing to their retirement account.
What’s asset allocation—and why’s it so important?
If you’re delving into investing, then you’ll likely hear the phrase “asset allocation.” Or, you may run across its synonyms, like “portfolio allocation” and “investment allocation.” These terms may feel intimidating or overly technical, but their meaning is actually simple. Here’s our asset allocation definition: Asset allocation is how you allocate—or divide up—what’s in your investment portfolio.
How to empower yourself in the investing game (so you’re not a lemming)
When’s the last time you saw a mouth-watering fast food commercial? Or an ad for brand-new technology that you now need? Advertising and marketing are designed to draw you in and create that craving or need—and financial ads are no different. You may have encountered images of smiling families, sunny golf games, and an affluent retirement lifestyle. Like candy bar and gadget ads, an ideal outcome is showcased—even if the product isn’t that great or anywhere close to foolproof.
Investors, it’s time for the red pill
Plenty of us have done it: You suddenly hear news of the market tanking, a recession on the horizon, or a company not meeting sales goals (and you have their stock in your portfolio)... and your instinct is to sell, sell, sell. Every ounce of your willpower goes into resisting the urge to log into your brokerage account.